Stacey Moore, Commissioner and Founder of the American Cornhole League will also be available to talk about this exciting and one-of-a-kind event coming to Sin City!
First, it’s ACL Pro Teams Thursday (May 16| tickets), where you can watch Las Vegas’ own High Rollers take on the Bully Baggers, live on CBS Sports (6pm PT / 9pm ET). A broadcast taping will follow, with the Arizona Burn taking on the Chicagoland Spinners (airs on CBS Sports on 5/23 at 5 pm PT).
On Friday (May 17 | tickets), Open cornhole competition continues throughout the day, with action being streamed live on ESPN+. At 6 pm PT, action on the main court begins with Shootout Singles (live on ESPN+), National Doubles (7:30 pm PT; ESPN+), and finally Shootout Doubles (10 pm PT, live on ESPN2).
The main court hosts the National Singles Final at 7:30pm PT on Saturday (May 18 | tickets), before the live ESPN2 SuperHole celebrity tournament begins at 10pm. SuperHole will feature players from four NFL teams, each paired up with an ACL Pro to take on their football rivals on the cornhole court. The winner advances to the SuperHole Final, which will take place in 2025.
“There is a lot that takes place in Sin City but you have never seen cornhole like this. Whether you’re competing or watching in person or at home, we are really excited to be in town,” said Stacey Moore, Commissioner and Founder of the American Cornhole League. “If you are curious about what makes our sport so special, we invite you to come and experience first-hand!”
Tickets for all events are available at iplaycornhole.com/tickets. For the nighttime broadcast events, General Admission is FREE and VIP seating options are available for purchase.
For those who’d rather play than watch, the entire weekend also features ACL Open #14, with $65,000 in payouts.
Since launching in 2016 the ACL has become one of the fastest growing sports in the world. The league’s tagline “Anyone can play, anyone can win,” along with its ability to be played anywhere, has the league on a fast track to success. Along with the SuperHole series, the ACL hosts a variety of pro and amateur events. The ACL’s strong sponsor support includes Bush’s, Backyard.com, Seagram’s, Corn Nuts, and Mike’s Hard Lemonade.
The American Cornhole League hosts competitions and tournaments across the amateur, collegiate, and pro ranks with thousands of players taking part every year. For additional information on how to participate visit iplaycornhole.com.